Protect Your Oral Health: Recognizing the Signs of Periodontal Disease | Carol Stream Dentist

Dentist in Carol Stream

Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, poses a significant threat to oral health by affecting the tissues surrounding and supporting the teeth. The accumulation of bacteria and plaque on the teeth and gums triggers inflammation, bleeding, and potential tooth loss. Let’s delve into the signs of periodontal disease, empowering you to identify them and safeguard your oral well-being.

Bleeding Gums:
A telltale indicator of periodontal disease is bleeding gums, especially during brushing or flossing. Inflamed gums become more prone to bleeding, signaling potential gum disease.

Swollen or Tender Gums:
If your gums appear swollen or feel tender, it could signal the presence of periodontal disease. Inflammation induces soreness and sensitivity in the gums, prompting discomfort.

Bad Breath:
The buildup of bacteria in the mouth can lead to halitosis or bad breath. In gum disease, bacteria harbor in pockets formed between the teeth and gums, contributing to foul breath.

Receding Gums:
Advanced periodontal disease may cause the gums to recede or pull away from the teeth, exposing the roots. This can result in tooth sensitivity and aesthetic changes, making teeth appear longer.

Loose or Shifting Teeth:
Progressive bone and tissue deterioration due to periodontal disease can result in loose or shifting teeth. If you notice tooth mobility or movement, it could signal gum disease progression.

Pus Between Teeth and Gums:
Periodontal disease may manifest as pus formation between teeth and gums, indicating severe infection necessitating immediate treatment.

If you observe any of these signs, promptly schedule an appointment with your Carol Stream dentist, Dr. Gregory Lane, at Lane Dental of Carol Stream by calling (630) 830-8330. Your dentist can evaluate your gum and tooth health and recommend suitable treatment to halt further deterioration and enhance oral health.

Treatment for periodontal disease may involve scaling and root planing, a deep cleaning procedure that eradicates plaque and tartar from teeth and gums. In severe cases, surgical intervention may be necessary to repair damage inflicted by the disease.

In essence, periodontal disease warrants swift attention and intervention to safeguard oral health. By recognizing its signs, you can proactively preserve your teeth and gums. Prioritize regular dental check-ups, adhere to good oral hygiene practices, and contact our Carol Stream dental office today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Gregory Lane. Your healthy smile is our priority at Lane Dental of Carol Stream, your trusted Carol Stream dentist.

Lane Dental of Carol Stream
Phone: (630) 830-8330
940 W. Army Trail Rd.
Carol Stream, IL 60188