Root Canal Therapy

Dentist in Carol Stream

Root canal therapy treats the center, or pulp, of a tooth that is inflamed, infected or dead. The pulp is a soft substance consisting of nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue.

Symptoms of infection include visible injury or swelling, sensitivity to temperature, or pain in the tooth and gums. If you experience any of these symptoms, contact Lane Dental for a consultation.

Root canal therapy involves removing the pulp from the tooth chamber and canals. We then clean the canals with a disinfecting solution. During your root canal therapy, we may provide local anesthesia or sedation to ensure your complete comfort.

After treatment, we may place a temporary filling to protect your tooth until your restoration is complete. Your tooth may feel sensitive for the first few days. This discomfort may be relieved with over-the-counter or prescribed pain medications, as directed. Avoid chewing on the treated tooth until you have your full restoration. If a problem occurs, contact Lane Dental.

Root canal therapy can help preserve your tooth for a lifetime. Contact our office today for a consultation with Drs. Lane and Lane.

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Dentist in Carol Stream, IL

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We look forward to learning more about you and what we can do for your family’s healthy smiles.

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Dentist in Carol Stream

Our Convenient Office Hours

Monday: 7:00am - 3:00pm
Tuesday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am - 12:00pm (1 Day per Month)
Thursday: 8:00am - 3:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 2:00pm
Saturday: Closed

We are located at:

940 W. Army Trail Rd.
Carol Stream, IL 60188

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Dentist in Carol Stream
940 W. Army Trail Rd.
Carol Stream, IL 60188
(630) 830-8330